Monday, October 21, 2019

English as a Second Language Among Freshmen Students

English as a Second Language Among Freshmen Students Free Online Research Papers English as a Second Language Among Freshmen Students English is now acknowledged as one of the Philippines’ major language. This is because most of the Filipinos use it in any means of communication to interconnect with other people especially to the foreign ones. And since our generation is excelling, the English language is now taught to students even at an early age. And to give some proofs to the nay says about students speaking the English language, I made a study with the primary concern of their proficiency. This study shows how the freshmen students in the University of Santo Thomas AMV – College of Accountancy respond and retort with their skills in the English language. Through this report, we will be able to know their potency and weaknesses as well as their capabilities with their act of responses. This will also help us realize how rampant English is to students and to the youth. This research work precedence not only to the dexterity of the students but also to all the people concern. I may have used of constricted apprentices but it must not affect our thinking that the effect will only occur to all my respondents. We must also put into our minds that we are all just the same as my novices and all the end products are applicable and pertinent to us. May my research work help us all in understanding the situation of the newly accepted English language and may we all be considerate in expanding its significance to our lives and the lives of the next generations. INTRODUCTION I. Background of the Study Being a college student taking up BS Accountancy in one of the most prestige universities in the Philippines, University of Santo Thomas, I was commissioned to make an inquiry with reference to the English expertise among its students. It has been part of the prospectus to give students this kind of project to be able to arise of explorations that might as well help others in any matter with pertains to the topic. Also, this nature of scheme was given to us not because it is a vital prerequisite to be competent to cease the English program but also to be able to show how well students have implicit the essential rudiments of making a good and effective research paper. Though this project necessitates a lot of work, I concur to the system of giving research papers to apprentices since these will help them amplify their thinking, gain more knowledge and nurture their psyche for noteworthy rationales. And since I was given the chance of making myself renowned in this variation, I am ver y much keen to proffer everything I can to come up with a good research paper and to show not only to my beloved professor but also to my classmates and colleagues that I can make an effective research paper and make myself proud of what the results may be. II. Objectives ? to present a good research paper in relation to the given topic ? to bestow and unravel wholly the statistics heaped during the studies ? to give corroboration to the things in the mentality of the readers concerning only on the topics given ? to elucidate things and give emphasis on things being studied ? to come up with a conclusion to gratify the needs in this research III. Significance This research paper intends to expound fully and logically the attestations and studies needed regarding the given topic entitled â€Å"English as a Second Language among Freshmen in the AMV – College of Accountancy in University of Santo Thomas 2006 and 2007.† This study also aims to give clarifications pertaining to the freshmen’s viewpoint with the English language. With this, I am trying to show how the English vernacular affects students with their studies and everyday life. It is now widely accepted that the foreign language has already been part of our own culture and with this reason, studying with English methodologies are being taught to students even at a very early age. The reason is because our generation is accelerating and we must not wonder if we will one day wake up with a totally different genre than before where we are all speaking the English language. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The Philippines is the third largest English speaking country in the world. It has a rich history combining Asian, European, and American influences. Prior to Spanish colonization in 1521, the Filipinos had a rich culture and were trading with the Chinese and the Japanese. Spain’s colonization brought about the construction of Intramuros in 1571, a â€Å"Walled City† comprised of European buildings and churches, replicated in different parts of the archipelago. In 1898, after 350 years and 300 rebellions, the Filipinos, with leaders like Jose Rizal and Emilio Aguinaldo, succeeded in winning their independence. In 1898, the Philippines became the first and only colony of the United States. Following the Philippine-American War, the United States brought widespread education to the islands. Filipinos fought alongside Americans during World War II, particularly at the famous battle of Bataan and Corregidor which delayed Japanese advance and saved Australia. They then waged a guerilla war against the Japanese from 1941 to 1945. The Philippines regained its independence in 1946. Filipinos are a freedom-loving people, having waged two peaceful, bloodless revolutions against what were perceived as corrupt regimes. The Philippines is a vibrant democracy, as evidenced by 12 English national newspapers, 7 national television stations, hundreds of cable television stations, and 2,200 radio stations. METHODOLOGY I. Respondents As a specified requirement, I made use of respondents which are freshmen students only from the University of Santo Thomas AMV – College of Accountancy. And since given with maximum of 10 respondents, I seek help from my fellow freshmen students and they agreed to answer in my ready-made survey. They answered the survey truthfully, which was prepared by my professor and instantly had been distributed to her students during our class meeting. The respondents were all from 1A19 namely Myla Aquino, Catherine Bautista, Inigo Miguel Hinayon, Leon Manalastas, Nikko Relojo, Christian Roxas, Adrian Santos, Jen Solano, Jason Soriano, and Miguel Tuy. And since they are all in one section, it was a relief because I can let them answer the survey altogether which made it a lot easier. They even gave their insights about the research title which I was able to use in maneuver other more information that I can use to have a better outcome of my work. II. Procedure I cordially asked the students, whose names are presented above, to answer the survey I handed them and told them my purpose. They were accommodating in a way that they were never hesitant of helping me do my research paper. I gave them a foreword of the topic so that they will be erudite about it and it may help them to understand more why I study such case. I pledged to the respondents that every answer they committed will not be used against them. All the respondents spent much time in thinking very carefully how well they will answer it as candidly as possible. III. Design The survey is to be answered in a matter of scaling. The respondents have to rate the items from 1 to 5 wherein 1 means â€Å"Poor†, 2 means â€Å"Fair†, 3 means â€Å"Good†, 4 means â€Å"Very Good†, and 5 means â€Å"Excellent†. Through this, I will be able to know how well they have mastered the skills in each scenario cited in every item. This type of experimental design is generally strong in internal validity. Yet, there are some instances wherein other respondents have deleterious effects due to their knowledge of the scenario and how they really face it. Overall, this study can be considered strong with regards to internal validity. 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